Category: Newsletter

  • Entertainment Expenses: Income Tax and GST Treatment

    Entertainment Expenses: Income Tax and GST Treatment

    If you provide entertainment for your team, clients, or other business contacts, some of these expenses may be tax deductible. Claiming the cost of entertainment as a business expense can help build relationships, maintain employee morale, or promote your goods or services. Here’s what you need to know about entertainment expenses, income tax, and GST…

  • Tips for keeping track of business expenses

    Tips for keeping track of business expenses

    It’s remarkable how the little things accumulate: popping into the shops for some stationary or rushing out of a taxi at the airport to catch an early flight for a crucial business meeting. These are the details that often slip our minds as we focus on the big picture. Regardless of size, these are all…

  • Important Tax Dates in New Zealand

    Important Tax Dates in New Zealand

    Keeping track of key tax dates in New Zealand is essential for managing finances effectively and staying compliant with the Inland Revenue. Whether you’re self-employed, running a business, or managing personal tax obligations, understanding these deadlines can help you avoid unnecessary penalties. Here’s a guide to the most important tax dates in New Zealand. 1.…

  • What can I deduct?

    What can I deduct?

    The key thing to look at is whether the costs have a relationship to your content creating activities, if it is, there’s a good chance you can deduct these costs and deduce your tax bill, Here is a list of things you could be deducting; For an expense or loss to qualify for deduction, it…

  • Why You Need to Pay Your ACC Invoice in New Zealand: A Crucial Guide

    Why You Need to Pay Your ACC Invoice in New Zealand: A Crucial Guide

    In New Zealand, the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) plays a pivotal role in providing financial protection to all residents and workers in case of injury, regardless of the cause. Whether you’re self-employed, a business owner, or employed by someone else, understanding and paying your ACC invoice is crucial for ensuring this protection. Let’s break down…

  • Business Structure options

    Business Structure options

    It can be difficult working out what sort of business structure you should have, most people are deciding between sole trader or partnership or a company. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each; Sole Traders, Advantages Disadvantages Partnership, Advantages Disadvantages Company, Advantages Disadvantages

  • How to Boost Your Business’s Awareness: Simple Strategies for Success

    How to Boost Your Business’s Awareness: Simple Strategies for Success

    Running a business is more than just offering a product or service; it’s about making sure people know you exist. In today’s highly competitive market, it’s crucial to get your business in front of as many eyes as possible. Luckily, there are several effective, low-cost strategies to boost awareness. This article will walk you through…

  • Zest vs Automation Tools

    Zest vs Automation Tools

    Why use an Zest Accountant vs a website-based tool? New products entering the market that offer a fee based on your % of income may seem easy and cheap at first, but they are not all that meets the eye. The problem with these tools is they have massive client bases; this means you are…

  • What is Income?

    What is Income?

    What counts as income could surprise you! You need to be aware of anything related to your content creation that could be viewed as income. Same examples could be; • Payments from platforms based on the number of times content is viewed;• subscriptions;• payments for promoting products or brands in a content creator’s online content;•…

  • Hobby, Side Hustle, Passive Income – Reinvesting the funds

    Hobby, Side Hustle, Passive Income – Reinvesting the funds

    Assigning an alternative label to an activity, engaging in something as a secondary pursuit, or considering a non-routine job does not negate its status as income. The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) may view a hobby as a source of income. Consequently, it is essential to proactively report such earnings to the IRD. The IRD have…